Sunday, September 27, 2015

Memorable Activities

A Journey Back in Time!

Students: This week I am asking you to go back to elementary school and remember your favorite teacher. Ask yourself why they are your favorite teacher. More than likely you remember them because of some activity they did with you and your classmates that made learning fun and interactive. I have many favorite teachers! I remember them mostly because of the effort they put into teaching my classmates and I through activities and not just lectures. Learning can be fun! As teachers, we have to make that extra effort and turn into our students favorite teacher!

Instructions: As you go back in time to elementary school, think about the most memorable activity your favorite teacher did with your class. Include the subject that was being taught, the activity that used, and a brief description of how it made learning fun and memorable for you. This blog will become a useful tool for us to share ideas and activities that we can one day use in our classrooms as well.

The purpose of this blog is to serve as a practice exercise in EDM 510.


  1. My favorite teacher of all time was Ms. Cagle, my kindergarten teacher. She was kind, fair, and always made learning fun. The best part about her class were the naps! We laid on these blue and red mats and she would give us candy if she saw that we were laying still and quiet. Another fun activity we did was glue beans onto paper in the shape of letters. I don't know how that made me remember the letters and sounds, but it worked. She taught me how to read, how to find books in the library, and always told me how proud she was of my work. She inspired me to become a teacher.

    1. I remember the naps too! I remember we couldn't talk and had to be still. I never took a nap though for whatever reason! I regret that now because we do not get to take naps anymore. I love the idea of using things like beans to decorate letters and numbers. That to me is a very visual teaching strategy. Many students would do well with that exercise. It's funny what things you remember from when you were in school. Having someone to inspire you to be a teacher is wonderful. My fourth grade teacher is my inspiration.

  2. My favorite teacher was Mr. Frye. He was a science in sixth grade. The great thing about him was that he was very hands on. He loved to do experiments and show us how and why things worked. He also had an amazing amount of creatures and plants living with in his class room.

    1. The animals would freak me out! I do love teachers that incorporate hands-on activities. I learn best this way and it also makes it fun. I loved conducting experiments in science as well. Sounds like your sixth grade science class was full of adventure!

  3. My favorite elementary teacher was Mrs. Fortner in first grade. I remember doing a lot of social studies projects and using my grandmother and her Encyclopedia Britannicas (pre Google) to research different countries. I remember realizing for the first time that there were lots of people who lived far away and very differently from the way I lived. She did a lot of read alouds, which I still love. I can remember putting my head down on the desk, closing my eyes, and imagining the story as I listened to her relaxing voice. As a very shy and nervous child, this calming part of the day meant a lot to me and helped me become an enthusiastic reader!

    1. That's such an amazing thing that a teacher can have such an impact on you. It is very interesting to learn about all the different kinds of cultures and ways of living. I use to do the same thing when my teachers read aloud to us. I created a vision in my head to what I thought it was she was reading and what was happening in the reading. Being an enthusiastic reader is a good quality to have! Especially since you teach Pre-K.
